Baillie Henderson Hospital

  • 601161
  • 1 Hogg Street, Toowoomba


Baillie Henderson Hospital - Administration building, from southwest (Queensland Government, 2015); Heritage Branch Staff
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Also known as
Toowoomba Mental Hospital; Toowoomba Lunatic Asylum; Toowoomba Hospital for the Insane
State Heritage
Register status
Date entered
27 September 1999
Health and care services: Hospital—psychiatric/mental institute/asylum
10.1 Providing health and welfare services: Providing health services
Clark, John James
Construction periods
1888–1919, Baillie Henderson Hospital (1888 - 1919)
1888–1940, Baillie Henderson Hospital - Medical Superindendent's Quarters (1888 - 1940)
1888, Baillie Henderson Hospital - Jofre House (Ward A) and Ray House (Ward 1) (1888 - 1888)
1888, Baillie Henderson Hospital - Pinel House (Female Ward 2) (1888 - 1888)
1888, Baillie Henderson Hospital - MacDonald Hall (1888 - 1888)
1892, Baillie Henderson Hospital - Rush House (Male Ward B) (1892 - 1892)
1898, Baillie Henderson Hospital - Assistant Medical Superindendent's Quarters (1898 - 1898)
1902, Baillie Henderson Hospital - Clouston House (Ward D) (1902 - 1902)
1902, Baillie Henderson Hospital - Museum (Female Ward 4) (1902 - 1902)
1910, Baillie Henderson Hospital - Administration Block (1910 - 1910)
1910, Baillie Henderson Hospital - Male and Female Lavatory Buildings (not in signif) (1910 - 1910)
1915–1917, Baillie Henderson Hospital - James House and Hill House (1915 - 1917)
1917–1919, Baillie Henderson Hospital - Whishaw House (Female Ward 5) (1917 - 1919)
1917–1970, Baillie Henderson Hospital - Browne House (Male Ward E) (1917 - 1970c)
1917, Baillie Henderson Hospital - Tredgold House (Hospital Ward) (1917 - 1917)
Historical period
1870s–1890s Late 19th century


1 Hogg Street, Toowoomba
Toowoomba Regional Council
-27.52502393, 151.9376142


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