
  • 600023
  • Welford Homestead, Jundah


Homestead residence, from east (Queensland Government, 2022); QPWS; Department of Environment, Science and Innovation
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Also known as
Welford Homestead; Welford Station; Welford Downs; Welford Downs Station
State Heritage
Register status
Date entered
21 August 1992
Pastoralism: Homestead
Pastoralism: Station/run—sheep
2.3 Exploiting, utilising and transforming the land: Pastoral activities
Construction periods
1875–1881, Welford Homestead
1875–1970, Remnant built features & known or potential archaeological evidence
1881–1970, Residence gardens and views
1909–1947, Old Jedburgh homestead (1909) and yards (by 1947)
1917–1918, Adaford Homestead site
1919–1959, Gap Creek hut (1919-1959) and bore (1922)
1920–1949, Workers quarters and shower block
1940–1959, Shearing Complex (sheep yards, shearing shed, shearers quarters, shower block and toilet)
1950–1959, Meat house
1950–1959, Shed west of residence
1950–1969, Tank stand south of residence
1950–1969, Workshop/machinery shed
unknown–1908, Lily Hole yards site
unknown–1922, Sawyer Creek hut site
unknown–1922, Sawyer Creek bore site
unknown–1922, Stock Route yards site
Historical period
1870s–1890s Late 19th century
1900–1914 Early 20th century
1914–1919 World War I
1919–1930s Interwar period
1939–1945 World War II
1940s–1960s Post-WWII


Welford Homestead, Jundah
Barcoo Shire Council
-24.96584503, 143.48889355


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